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I am an interdisciplinary scholar of risk and resilience management in the context of hazards and disasters. My research is focused on decision making under uncertainty, urban resilience, hurricane evacuation behaviors and logistics, socioeconomic impacts of flooding, and hazard mitigation planning and policy. My projects have been funded by National Science Foundation, National Aeronautics and Space Administration, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, United Nation University, and Beijing Normal University. My method expertise includes survey methods, interdisciplinary research design, quantitative analyses, and Geographic Information Systems. Before joining UCF, I was an assistant professor and graduate coordinator at North Dakota State University. I have taught emergency management courses at undergraduate, master’s, and doctoral levels. In the School of Public Administration, my courses include Hazard Mitigation and Preparedness (mixed mode and web), Disaster Response and Recovery (web) at the undergraduate level; and Urban Resilience, International Emergency and Crisis Management (web), and Research Methods for Public Administration (web) at the graduate level. Urban Resilience will be offered as an interdisciplinary graduate seminar in Spring 2020 at UCF Downtown embracing the Urban Resilience Initiative.