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Dr. Olga Molina is a licensed clinical social worker and an associate professor of social work at the University of Central Florida. She teaches courses on social work practice, clinical practice with families, clinical practice with groups and culturally competent field of social work. Her professional interests include clinical social work practice with individuals and families, group work, social work practice in both the undergraduate and graduate programs. She received the M.S.W. from New York University and the D.S.W. from Hunter College of the City University of New York. Dr. Molina has over thirty years’ professional practice experience in thecultural diversity, and mental health. Dr. Molina has dozens of publications in the areas of divorce, intimate partner violence, African American and Latino families, mental health, cultural diversity, group work and social work education. Professor Molina’s service within the professional community includes serving on the national Council on Social Work Education’s (CSWE) Council on Racial and Ethnic Cultural Diversity, the Florida National Association of Social Work’s (NASW) Diversity Task Force and the Board of Directors of the International Association for Social Work with Groups. Dr. Molina is the recipient of the NASW’s Educator of the Year award.