Articles & Monographs
Puerto Rican Restaurants and Demographic Changes in Greater Orlando (2024)
Authors: Merritt, Raphael
Compound Crises: The Impact of Emergencies and Disasters on Mental Health Services in Puerto Rico (2024)
Authors: Rivera, Fernando I.; Belligoni, Sara; Arroyo Rodriguez, Veronica; Chapdelaine, Sophia; Nannuri, Varun; Steen Burgos, Ashleay.
Analysis of Pre- and Post-Disaster Management and Recovery in Puerto Rico from Hurricane Maria (2021)
Authors: Rivera, Fernando I.
Puerto Rico’s Population Before and After Hurricane Maria (2020)
Authors: Rivera, Fernando I.
Governmental Distrust and the Challenge of Building Resilience in Unprecedented Times (2020)
Authors: Rivera, Fernando I.
Emerging Voices in Natural Hazards Research (2019)
Editor: Rivera, Fernando I.
Hurricane Maria ‘Lifted the Veil’ on Puerto Rico’s Broken System (2018)
Authors: Rivera, Fernando I.
Hurricane Maria: When Dad wanted to flee, I understood Puerto Rico’s peril (2018)
Authors: Rivera, Fernando I.
Puerto Ricans are Resilient, But Island Still Needs Our Help after Hurricane Maria (2018)
Authors: Rivera, Fernando I.