Coordinating the Chaos: How Institutions Influence Multi-Actor Coordination in Emergency Management (2022)
Author: Sara Belligoni
University of Central Florida Electronic Theses and Dissertations, 2022-, 1731.
Puerto Rican Students after Hurricane Maria: Overcoming Trauma and Constructing a New Life in Central Florida (2020)
Author: Angela Vergara
University of Central Florida: Electronic Theses and Dissertations, 2020-, 624.
Exploring the Response to COVID-19 in Puerto Rico (2022)
Author: Richard Colon
University of Central Florida: Electronic Theses and Dissertations, 2020-, 1185
Investigating the Spatial Relationship Between Sense of Place and Community-Based Organizations: Do Community-Based Organizations: Do Community-Based Organizations Influence Volunteering in the Indian River Lagoon, Florida? (2021)
Author: Erica Edmonston
University of Central Florida: Electronic Theses and Dissertations, 2020-, 498
Hurricane Maria: A Qualitative Study of Recently Displaced Students to the State of Florida (2019)
Author: Esmeralda Cabrera
University of Central Florida: Electronic Theses andDissertations, 6458
Tails in the Wind: An Exploratory Examination of Media Reports on Non-human Animals Throughout Hurricane Maria in Puerto Rico (2019)
Author: Nathan Jagoda
University of Central Florida: Electronic Theses and Dissertations, 6702
Mental Health of Puerto Ricans Who Stayed in Puerto Rico Compared to Those Who Migrated to Florida After Hurricane Maria (2022)
Author: Sophia Chapdelaine
University of Central Florida: Honors Undergraduate Theses,1237.
Who Participates in Academic Services? (2020)
Author: Richard Colon
University of Central Florida: Honors Undergraduate Theses, 689.
Growing Up Puerto Rican: College Students’ Reality of Staying in Puerto Rico Post-Maria (2020)
Author: Bianca M. Pizarro Vásquez
University of Central Florida: Honors Undergraduate Theses, 744.
Gender Disparities in Depression in Elderly Puerto Ricans (2019)
Author: Arnaldo Perez-Negron
The Pegasus Review: UCF Undergraduate Research Journal: Vol. 11: Iss. 1, Article 6.
A Content Analysis on the Phases of Emergency Management for Hurricane Maria in Puerto Rico (2019)
Author: Jose Rivera
UCF Undergraduate Research Journal: Vol. 11: Iss. 1, Article 2.
2024 Puerto Rico Elections Response (2024)
Author: Ivana Marrero, Puerto Rico Research Hub Intern
Dental Professionals and Accessibility in Puerto Rico (2024)
Author: Ivana Marrero, Puerto Rico Research Hub Intern
C-Section Rates in Puerto Rico (2024)
Author: Andre Tang, Puerto Rico Research Hub Intern
Junte Boricua: Heritage Tourism’s Moment in Puerto Rico (2024)
Author: Raphael Merritt, Puerto Rico Research Hub Intern
The Jones Act and Puerto Rico (2024)
Author: Raphael Merritt, Puerto Rico Research Hub Intern
Navigating Puerto Rican Statehood: Unpacking Political Dynamics and Misconceptions (2023)
Author: Ana Bello Marín, Puerto Rico Research Hub Intern
Renewable Energy in Puerto Rico (2023)
Author: Andre Tang, Puerto Rico Research Hub Intern
The Impact of Short-Term Rental Industry in Puerto Rico (2023)
Author: Ana Bello Marín, Puerto Rico Research Hub Intern