Please refer to the IEP Student Handbook on detailed information about the Intensive English Program and helpful information and tips about student life at the University of Central Florida. It will include detailed information on F-1/J-1 immigration regulations, attendance policies, academic progress, UCF Services, Housing, etc.
UCF Global provides expert advising services in the areas of a student’s academic and immigration matters.
- Questions regarding your I-20 and Immigration status
- I-20 Travel Signature and Visa Renewal
- Request Annual Vacation (IEP)
- I-20 Extension
- Transfer out Procedure
To schedule an appointment with an Immigration Advisor please visit UCF Meet with an Immigration Advisor.
- Questions regarding your classes and your academic performance/progression
- Course of Study Plan
- Graduation Advising
- Academic Exploration
- Cultural adjustment support
To schedule an appointment to see an Academic Advisor, please visit the Front Desk on the 1st Floor of UCF Global.
Pathway Program Information/Application
- Program overview and requirements
- Pathway Program Agreement
- Transcripts and Documents
Schedule an appointment with our Enrollment Services Team on the 1st Floor of UCF Global.
Please follow these steps to complete the UCF Global Online Document Request Form:
Student records can only be requested online using your NID credentials. You will need to know (and have access to) the email account that was on file with your records at UCF to look up your NID.

1Enter the UCF Global Online Document Request through myINTL by entering your NID and password (the same login you use to access myUCF).

If you do not know your NID and/or your email that was on file with your records, please review the information below.
I Don’t Know My NID
If you don’t know your NID, it can be sent to you automatically. Before accessing the NID Lookup tool, you will need to have and know what email account was on file with your records at UCF. Type in your first and last name and the email address you have on record with UCF and click on “Continue”. The system will then send an email (subject: UCF NID Confirmation Email) to that address.
I Don’t Have an Active Email on Record
If you don’t have an active email address on record with the university or cannot remember what it was, complete the Email Change form and submit it to UCF Global Records at We cannot process an Email Change until the form (including your signature and a readable copy of a photo ID) is received.
2Complete the Form. Ensure your personal information is correct before submitting your request.

Please note if you are requesting multiple document types (for example Enrollment Verification Letter and Transcript), you will need to complete a separate Request Form for each document type.
You will be able to see the status of your document request by logging into myINTL. The general processing time is 2 business days. During peak times, processing may take longer.
Current and previous UCF Global students may request the following documents:
Official Transcript (Intensive English Program/Online English Program)
A Transcript is an official printed document of a student’s academic record that includes all courses taken, grades received and sessions attended from the first day of attendance to the current session.
Note: UCF Global Pathway students must request transcripts through the UCF Registrar’s Office. Request your transcript here.
Enrollment Verification Letter
An Enrollment Verification Letter is a letter written by UCF Global to verify your enrollment in your current session/term. It will include your student status (full-time/part-time), the session/term you are enrolled in and the start and end date of the session/term.
Note: Sponsored students, if needed, may also request an “anticipated” Enrollment Letter for the next available session for the purpose of requesting an updated Financial Guarantee Letter from their sponsor.
Graduation Certificate (Certificate of Completion)
A graduation certificate is awarded to a student who has successfully completed the UCF Global Intensive English Program, Online English Program, or Pathway Program. It includes the student’s name and session/term of completion.
IEP/OEP English Proficiency Waiver
IEP/OEP students applying to a UCF Undergraduate or Graduate Degree Program can meet proof of English proficiency when completing all core courses in level 8 or higher with a grade “B” or better. This would waive the TOEFL.
UCF Undergraduate/Graduate students may request the following documents
Enrollment Verification Letter

The IEP Academic Calendar and the OEP Academic Calendar both contain important dates and deadlines for current and upcoming sessions such as enrollment, add/drop and payment deadlines, first day and last day of classes, etc.
UCF Global Pathway Students, please refer to the UCF Academic Calendar.
Classes Begin
First day of classes.
Late Registration
The late registration period for IEP/OEP begins on midnight Monday and ends Friday at 5:00PM during first week of instruction each session. In order to be able to attend class, students are encouraged to register as early as possible prior to the late registration period.
Last Day to Drop/Request Full Refund
To request a full refund, students must drop classes by this deadline. Students must complete the required paperwork prior to the scheduled deadline. Students will be liable for all tuition and fees after the published Drop Deadline.
Payment Deadline
The payment deadline published on the academic calendar online can also be found on your fee invoice on your myUCF portal (Student Self Service > Student Accounts > Fee Invoice). Tuition and Fees are due by this deadline.
Withdrawal Deadline
This is the last day to withdraw from a class. Students will be liable for all tuition and fees. IEP students must complete the required paperwork prior to the scheduled deadline. Please note that withdrawing from a class below the minimum enrollment requirements as an F-1/J-1 student requires prior review and authorization by a UCF Global Immigration Advisor.

There are (9) nine academic levels in IEP and each level contains (4) four core courses and one English for Specialized Purpose Course:
- Grammar
- Writing
- Reading
- Communication Skills
(1) One English for Specialized Purpose (ESP) Course
The core courses are offered according to placement level. For specific details, students should carefully read the course syllabus and talk to their instructors.
Please click here to learn about the IEP Curriculum providing additional information for each class.
For OEP class schedule and curriculum information, please click here.
Level 1-8 | Core IEP Program Grammar, Reading, Writing, and Communication Skills English for Specialized Purpose (ESP) |
Level 9 | Academic Preparation Program Grammar, Reading, Writing, and Communication Skills English for Specialized Purpose (ESP) |
The IEP/OEP uses an alphabetic system to evaluate a student’s progress and attendance.
A+ 98-100 |
B+ 88-91 |
C+ 78-81 |
R 0-70 |
A 95-97 |
B 85-87 |
C 74-77 |
R 0-70 |
A- 92-94 |
B- 82-84 |
C- 71-73 |
R 0-70 |
Students must pass the class with a cumulative grade of C- (71%) or better.
1Log into myUCF

2Navigate to the Student Self Service area.

3Select “Grades” from the “Other Academic” dropdown menu in the middle of the screen and click the >> arrow. Your “View My Grades” page appears.

4Select the term for which you want to view grades and click “Continue”.

Please view the IEP Academic Calendar for enrollment and payment deadlines. Current students will receive a notification once class registration for the upcoming session is open.
All holds that block a student from enrolling in classes must be removed prior to class registration for the upcoming session. For instructions on how to clear or remove a hold, please follow the instructions displayed when viewing your hold on the myUCF portal.

Common Holds You May See on Your myUCF Account that Will Block You from Enrolling in Classes
Health Insurance Hold (UCF Health Services)
Students may have this hold if the current health insurance is expiring and shows no validity for the next session. Students should visit the UCF Student Health Center Website for information on purchasing updated health insurance. Once purchased, the updated health insurance can be uploaded here.
For sponsored students whose insurance is provided by a government sponsor, a new Financial Guarantee may need to be requested if the current Financial Guarantee is expiring and shows no validity for the next session. Updated Financial Guarantees may be emailed to
Immunization Records (UCF Health Services)
All students must complete the Mandatory Immunization Health History Form and provide proof of the required vaccinations.
Documentation of two MMR (measles, mumps, rubella) vaccinations must be provided to the Immunization Department. In addition, proof of the meningitis and hepatitis B vaccinations are required. If the student does not have proof of either the meningitis or hepatitis B vaccination, the student must complete the corresponding waiver on the form.
Documentation may only be submitted via the online submission system. This requirement must be fulfilled PRIOR to registration in courses.
Student Health Services, Building 127
Health Information and Compliance Office, Rm 213
Health Svc Charges (Health Center Services)
Students who were treated at the UCF Student Health Center and have a past-due charge will receive a hold from the Health Center. If you have a hold for past-due charges, payment can be made online at . Please contact the Health Center at (407) 823-4252 with any questions.
Parking Citation (Parking Services)
Students who are issued a parking ticket/citation and have not yet paid for their parking ticket, will receive a hold from UCF Parking Services. To pay for the citation:
In-Person: Visitor and Parking Information Center
For questions, please contact Parking Services at (407) 823-5812
Financial Holds (Fin’l Hold)
Students who have a past-due charge to pay for tuition or housing will receive a hold. Students will need to check for the total amount due and pay online in their myUCF account (unless account has been referred to collections). Students may also pay by postal mail to : UCF-Payment Processing, P.O. Box 160115, Orlando, FL 32816-0115
For questions, please call Loans and Collections at (407) 823-2358.
IEP Attendance Probation (Intensive English Program)
Students who have been placed on Attendance Probation due to excessive absences in one session may receive a hold from UCF Global Academic Advising. Students with this hold will need to see an Academic Advisor at UCF Global for further details.
For questions, please call (407) 823-5515 or email
1Go to myUCF click “Sign In” and log in with your NID and password

2Navigate to “Student Self Service”

3Then click on “Enroll” in the top middle of the page under “Student Center”

4Click on “Add” in the menu bar to add classes to your schedule

5Select “My Class Schedule” to see your class schedule

6Pay for “Tuition and Fees” by navigating back to the main “Student Self Service” page and clicking on “Fee Invoice” under My Account

For IEP/OEP students requesting late add, late drop, withdrawal, late withdrawal, and medical withdrawal, after the official add/drop deadline, please review the additional guidance below.
Late Drop
Considered if the student is unable to complete the session due to a documented extenuating circumstance, such as the death of an immediate family member, involuntary call to military service, or a documented administrative error by the university. A late drop petition must be submitted within six months of the end of the session for which the late drop is sought, as mandated by the Board of Governors policy. If approved, a late drop will result in a full refund of tuition fees and the complete removal of the course from the student’s academic record.
Late Add
Considered when a student is unable to add a class by the add/drop deadline. It is reserved for an unavoidable delay in adding a class or an administrative error in the registration process or advising. If approved, the student will be assessed a $100 late fee, unless the late add is due to an administrative error. Late adds are not usually approved beyond the second week of classes unless there are documented extenuating circumstances.
Considered when a student is to be moved from one enrolled class to another. No fee is assessed. Swaps are dependent on seat availability and class prerequisites.
Considered when a student wishes to withdraw from a class during the withdrawal period as defined in the UCF Global Academic Calendar. If approved the student is liable for tuition fees and will not receive a refund. The course(s) will remain on the student’s record and assigned a notation of ‘W’ as a grade.
Late Withdrawal
Considered when a student cannot complete the session because of a documented extenuating circumstance that occurs after the withdrawal deadline. If approved, the student is liable for tuition and fees and will not receive a refund. The course(s) will remain on the student’s record and assigned a notation of ‘W’ for a grade.
Medical Withdrawal
Considered when a student is unable to complete the session due to a serious medical condition (physical or psychological). A medical provider will need to provide appropriate medical documentation. A medical withdrawal is usually for all classes taken in the session. The medical condition should have arisen during the given session from which withdrawal is sought. If the student is aware of the medical condition prior to the beginning of the session, they must provide medical documentation demonstrating that there was a change in the condition during the session that resulted in their inability to meet course requirements. An approved medical withdrawal will include tuition refund only if the completed petition was submitted before the six-month submission deadline, as mandated by the Board of Governors policy. If submitted after six-month submission deadline, and approved, the student remains liable for tuition and fees and will not receive a refund. The course(s) will remain on the student’s record and assigned a notation of ‘WM’ for a grade.
If you are requesting to file for a late drop, late withdrawal, or medical withdrawal, please schedule an appointment with a UCF Global Academic Advisor at the UCF Global Front Desk on the 1st Floor.

If you have completed Grammar 8, Reading 8, Communication Skills 8, and Writing 8 with a passing grade of ‘C-‘ or better in each class, you are eligible to receive a Certificate of Completion from the Intensive English Program.*
Students who are in Level 8 will be required to complete an Intent to Graduate Form with an Academic Advisor to determine which level they intent to complete the IEP program. Students have the option to complete the program in Level 8 or continue with advanced Level 9.
Academic Track – if you have completed LSP 8 and RWG 8 in the OEP Academic track with a passing grade of ‘C-‘ or better in each class, you are eligible to receive Certificate of Completion from the Online English Program.*
Vocational Track – if you have completed Vocational Integrated Skills level 6 in the OEP Vocational track with an overall grade of ‘C’, you are eligible to receive Certificate of Completion from the Online English Program.
*For students enrolled in IEP or OEP-Academic Track and have applied for an Undergraduate/Graduate degree program at UCF, must complete level 8 with a ‘B’ average or higher to meet English Proficiency requirements.
Please review progression requirements here.
A Ceremony recognizing the achievements of IEP, OEP and Pathway students completing their program or have participated in a specific session, is held at the end of Session II each semester. Students are required to RSVP (confirm attendance) for this event. UCF Global will be sending out an RSVP invitation email to each student towards the end of the session/term.

Students applying to a UCF Undergraduate- or Graduate Degree Program can submit proof of English Proficiency by taking the Pearson Benchmark Test. To learn more about the test and register, please email
Graduate students who are non-native speakers of English and do not have a previous degree from a US Institution must pass the Versant by Pearson English Speaking and Listening Test prior to being permitted to teach as a Graduate Teaching Assistant – or Associate (GTA). For more information on the Versant by Pearson English Speaking and Listening Test and how to register click here.
All new students enrolling in IEP or OEP take a Pearson Level Placement Test to determine their initial level. This test is taken on-site during orientation prior to start of classes.